Condensation, Damp Mould

Get help if you are an Estates UK Tenant

If you are an Estates UK tenant, you can report damp and mould problems using the online fixflo portal.

Please refer to Hull City Councils booklet which is available that gives some basic information about the different types of damp that may affect your home. A lot of information and advice is included in this booklet to help tenants identify and reduce condensation as well as treating the mould growth often associated with it.

Watch the below videos for advice around helping to prevent damp, mould, and condensation in your property, click buttons below to watch video.

Condensation, damp and mould

Condensation usually occurs when there is a lot of moisture or steam produced or when there is a change in air temperature. If this air is cooled by contact with a cold surface the water vapour turns into droplets of water. This can occur on a

  • Mirror
  • Window
  • Wall

What causes condensation

It often appears during winter on cold surfaces and in areas of the home where there is little movement of air. Everyday life can also cause condensation. The rooms where you need most ventilation are usually kitchens and bathrooms. You may also find it in corners and in or behind wardrobes and cupboards. It can also be found on north facing walls.

How to stop condensation

You will get less condensation if you keep your home warm. Whenever possible open a window while

  • Cooking
  • Running hot water
  • Drying clothes

There are four steps you can follow to help stop condensation in your home.

Step one - produce less moisture

Daily activities can produce a lot of moisture very quickly. So, when you are cooking

  • Put lids on pans
  • Do not leave kettles boiling
  • Open windows
  • Use extractor hood

When you are drying your clothes, wherever possible try to dry them outside. If you must dry inside

  • Try to avoid drying clothes on radiators. If you do, open windows to allow ventilation
  • Make sure your tumble dryer is always ventilated to the outside unless it is the condensing tumble dryer

Step two - ventilate to remove moisture

Keep a window or trickle vent (fitted in the window frame) open while the room is in use.

You will need much more ventilation in the kitchen and bathroom. You should open windows wider, use an extractor fan or a humidistat controlled electric fan (these come on automatically when the air becomes humid and are cheap to run). Stop damp air from spreading around your home by keeping kitchen and bathroom doors closed while those rooms are in use.

Ventilate cupboards and wardrobes and try not to put too many items in them and where possible put them on internal walls rather than against outside walls.

When you have curtains or blinds drawn, it makes the surface of the window colder and this increases condensation. Open curtains or blinds for at least four hours each day.

Step three - keep your home warm

Wherever possible try to heat your home using gas/oil central heating, electric storage heaters or air sourced heat pumps. Do not use paraffin or portable gas heaters as these put a lot of moisture into the air. You can add draught proofing but remember do not

  • Block permanent/air vents
  • Draught proof rooms where there is condensation or mould
  • Draught proof where there is a cooker or a fuel burning heater, for example, a gas/solid fuel fire

Step four - treatment for mould growth

If you already have mould growth in your home, it must be treated. If you deal with the basic problem, mould should not reappear.

To kill and remove mould, wipe down walls and window frames with a fungicidal wash which carries a Health and Safety Executive approved number. Follow the manufacturer's instructions precisely. Dry-clean mildewed clothes and shampoo carpets.

After treatment

Redecorate using a fungicidal paint to help stop mould coming back. You should be aware that this paint is not effective if covered with ordinary paints or wallpaper.

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